Safety Tips

Alderman Harris takes the safety of the 8th Ward residents very seriously, and often has meetings with various block clubs along with the various Chicago Police Districts in order to ensure that all necessary measures are being taken to keep the constituents safe.

Below you will find some helpful safety tips from the Chicago Police Department.

At Home: Don’t be Surprised

Keep your doors locked when home alone and lock your windows too when leaving the house for any long period of time. Open doors and windows are an invitation that you don’t want to send. Turn your porch lights on at night and illuminate your backyard to ensure that anyone lurking there will be easily detected.

On the Street: Be Alert

Make sure you are not an easy target for crime on the street. Carry your purse in a manner that makes it hard to get — across your chest or under your arm where more than a simple grab is needed to snatch it. Men should carry their wallets in their inside coats or side pants pocket, never in your back pants pocket where it is easy to grab. If you walk to and from work or public transit stations, particularly at night, use well-lit and populated streets. When possible, walk with friends and, if you can, vary the route you take each day or night.

On Public Transit: Be Prepared

Have the exact fare ready before you leave home so that there is no need to open a purse or wallet. During late night or early morning stay near the agent on duty in subways and when possible sit on the aisle seat where you will have more mobility should trouble occur.

In Your Car: Secure Your Ride

Lock your doors and be sure to store your purse, wallet or other valuables beneath your seat — not on the seat next to you where they are easy and inviting targets for theft. Park in a well-lit area for the safety of your car and yourself and always lock your car. If you notice that the street lights are out, call 311 or your Police District’s Community Policing Office to make sure this “condition for crime” is remedied.

Going Home: Be Ready

Always carry your keys in your hands so that you are ready to open the door. If you know you will be coming home after dark, make sure to leave some lights on.

Finally, Wherever You Are...

Remember — A crime-free city requires that everyone report suspicious activity by calling 911 and report conditions that make crime possible by calling 311.